100 Year Climate Model of Earth

Irish Centre for High-End Computing (IE)


This interactive 3D exhibit draws on the EC-Earth climate model to put the predictions of climate modellers at visitors’ fingertips. Members of the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC) have selected particularly interesting results showing what the climate of planet Earth may look like in the next hundred years. Visitors can choose to see simulated predictions such as rising temperatures and decreasing sea ice, choosing between futures where humankind continues to emit large amounts of greenhouse gas or works towards decreasing its rate of emissions.

The EC-Earth model consists of an atmosphere-land surface model coupled with an ocean and sea ice model. Met Éireann, ICHEC and University College Dublin were the three Irish institutions involved in both the development of the model and the running of simulations on the ICHEC supercomputers. The results contributed towards the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR5 report.


The Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC), founded in 2005, is Ireland’s national high performance computer centre. Its mission is to provide highperformance computing resources, support, education and training for researchers in third-level institutions.

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