Forecasts from the Future

CoClimate (US & NO)

What will weather forecasts and the weather news look like in the future? What kinds of new meteorological phenomena and weather-derived events will need to be covered by news outlets?

In this installation visitors enter a green screen TV-studio and choose one of many weather news scripts to read. Topics include Ireland’s 2050 weather forecast derived from today’s best climate models, the political fallout from unilateral implementation of geoengineering technologies, the economic and weather forecast from rapidly changing regions such as the Arctic, and a meteorological tongue twister that catalogues all of the vernacular sayings for describing rain in Ireland.

CoClimate invited artists and scientists in STRANGE WEATHER to produce scripts about various future scenarios. Forecasts from the Future includes contributions from ICHEC, FICTILIS, Jodi Newcombe, Tega Brain, Owen Wells and Gerald Fleming.


CoClimate is an artist-led think tank that aims to explore and understand climate change from many perspectives. CoClimate looks at the history of human attitudes towards weather and climate, and considers future scenarios. From the scientific to the social, what can we expect in the coming decades?

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